You know what I love? Mr. Hunter Stockton Thompson and his body of work. Freaking great writer that guy was, and a hell of an American rebel to boot. You know what I love even more right now? My new tattoo of Hunter S. Thompson/Raoul Duke (originally created by his career long illustrator, the great Ralph Steadman). God damn I love tattoos. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em. When I think of my favorite things I think of family, food, the beach and lot's and lot's of tattoos. Not only do I love the tattoos themselves, but I love when I catch someone looking me up and down with a look of disgust on their face. Well, when I say "love" in this case I really mean hate, but you get my drift. What in the effing hell is so wrong about a tattoo?? I JUST DON'T GET THE JUDGEMENT. If someone was carrying a piece of art with them would you look at it, and if it wasn't up your alley, as it were, just make an "I-think-more-of-horseshit-than-I-do-of-you" look? Of course you wouldn't. So why do some ignorant folks do that when they see a tattoo? I mean, without tooting my own horn, I happen to be a well educated individual that can discuss politics, history, world affairs and on and on, yet because I have tattoos some people immediately pre-judge me as a freak. Well guess what, idiots of the world that can't handle anyone that has the balls to not fall in line with what's expected.....SCREW YOU. I am going to continue with my passion, keep getting more and more successful, and eventually have enough money and power to literally put my middle finger in your face. Well then, have a nice day.
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