Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Awards are Good, Smiles are Better

G'day folks. I have a bit of bad news for you. No, no, I'm not going anywhere, but I fear that what I have to say may make you go away: I think I'm losing my ability to wax sarcastic. That's right. Not more than a week ago, I was able to put a satirical spin on just about anything that I experienced in life, but I feel that ability slipping from my once Bunyonian (I just made that word up....blogs are cool like that.) grip. Now, I know how tiring it can be to hear someone whine, vent and spit venomous diatribes on a daily basis, but I can't help it. I'm tryin' to keep it real in the 'hood, yo, and if I pretend that my view of the world is biscuits and gravy (mmm, gravy) I'd lose my street cred. So I'm just going to continue with what I'm feeling and hope you're all still visiting The Office Diaries when the sun comes out again.

There is something I'd like to mention as a bright spot in my last week. Last Thursday, I was given a nice award by a loyal reader of mine that also happens to author the witty and entertaining blog "I Love You Too Much" (http://gulfcoastmommy.blogspot.com/). She's a mother of two and leads an entirely different existence from my own, but her writing is fantastic and I can always count on a laugh when I take a few minutes to visit her blog. Anyway, I logged in to check out her blog on Friday and realized that she had given The Office Diaries the "Friendly Site Award." Details are still sketchy as to what this award actually means, but that's not important right now. What's important is that it was one of the few times after I left the house on Friday that I flashed a genuine smile. Anything that can do that for me is g-o-o good. As I've said multiple times, this blog was/is intended as an outlet for my creative energy as I grow throughout my life, but I'd be lying if I said that I'm not thrilled that I can entertain a few people along the way. So the enigmatic "Friendly Site Award" was certainly a bright spot in my life last week and a great motivator for me to keep churning out blog posts even when I feel less than stellar. Many sincere thanks to D from "I Love You Too Much" for her compliments.

The only thing I can actually ascertain about the "Friendly Site Award" is that I'm supposed to bequeath the same award to 3 other blogs. Unfortunately, I haven't really spent enough time reading other blogs on this site to properly assess who deserves this award. Plus, I hesitate to give someone an award that I myself am not real clear on. What if I picked 3 nice folks and their blogs and called them out on my site for recognition, only to find out that that the "Friendly Site Award" is sarcastic and means something more along the lines of "Your Blog is Only Marginally Better Than What my 3-year-old Brings Home From Pre-School", or even more direct, "Your Blog Sucks...Period. Keep Your Thoughts in a Private Journal."? Then I'd feel like a moron. I can imagine coming home after a long day and logging into my blog for a little release, only to have 283 hate-filled posts from the authors and friends of the blogs I gave the award to. "You have no soul!" or "I'm mentally challenged. How could you do that to me?!" Yep,that would suck. So, until I figure out exactly what the "Friendly Site Award" means and have spent a little more time looking at other blogs I'm going to have to hold off on passing on the award. I felt like I needed to let that be known so I don't get bad blog karma for not passing on good will.

So that wasn't so bad was it? I managed to get through an entire blog without bitching too much. Perhaps things are turning around. Then again, perhaps I have a bird crap on my head on the way to work tomorrow and get hit by a bus on the way back. Like I've said before, life can be a motherfucker.....



atb376 said...

I had a pretty arrogantly written page about how I viewed you blog, but after loading an updated anti-virus disc I was forced to reboot and lost what I was once going to post but decided to hold off on and thankfully did not save. Turns out you summed it up all in this singular post. Thank you.

Honestly, you probably would've related to what I wrote but also would've taken it rather poorly, and it's not my place to be too personal or judgemental. And frankly, I'm glad I didn't post it. My day would've turned out ruining yours and that's not what I believe in nor value. So to make a long story short, you're spared for now ;-)

atb376 said...

...to further, my life has taken quite a detour recently and my content very much related to yours... c'est la vie, right?